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Eva Froese and ChoiceTech Business Services have provided accounting software implementation, training and support to several of my clients. Her understanding of the client’s existing systems and their requirements going forward has been excellent. Her work ethic is exceptional and her in-depth knowledge of accounting software is second to none. She has been able to implement accounting software successfully when required.

Barry Minish
Whether you make widgets, sell services, or move merchandise, you depend on your people, and your people depend on the tools you give them. Our proven business solution provides global enterprises that supports industry-specific and operational business processes, along with comprehensive, core ERP functionality for financial and human resources management. It empowers your people to anticipate and embrace change so your business can thrive.
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I have full confidence in ChoiceTech and have found them to be of great value to me. When we work on a project it will be completed with accuracy and proficiency. I don’t know of anyone else who will do support like they do and help me out of my frustrations whenever I need them. They provide a valuable service and are known for their honesty and integrity. I hope to gain more of their knowledge someday.

Sherri Toews, Accountant
About ChoiceTech Accounting Solutions
Accounting software problem solvers who love challenges and create practical solutions for complex problems.
We service businesses in various industries throughout Central Canada and Northern United States. At ChoiceTech Accounting Solutions we strive to provide our services with honesty, integrity and reliability.
Contact us
We service a variety of businesses throughout Central Canada and Northern USA. Whether you are local to Winnipeg or further away in cities such as Steinbach, Winkler, or Brandon, we support our clients promptly via remote support.